The WORLD COUNCIL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMISTS ASSOCIATIONS (WCEREA) is a coordinating organization whose members are the Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics – AAERE, the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists – AERE, the African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists – AFAERE and the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists – EAERE. The Latin American Association of Environmental and Resource Economists – LAERE participates at WCEREA as a partner. Other associations may join in the future as members or partners. For information, please contact the WCEREA Secretariat at

WCEREA coordinates the joint activities of the member associations and fosters cooperation among environmental economists worldwide.
One of the main tasks of WCEREA is to coordinate the organization of the World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists (WCERE).
The President of the Board is one of its members appointed by a different association each time. The association appointing the President offers secretariat services to the WCEREA during his/her mandate.

WCEREA Board Members (June 2023 - May 2027)

Member Associations:

  • AAERE, Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics: Budy Resosudarmo, Jong Ho Hong (until August 2023), Kenichi Akao (from September 2023)
  • AERE, Association of Environmental and Resource Economists: Karen Fisher-Vanden, Randy Walsh
  • AFAERE, African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists: Selma Karuaihe, Wisdom Akpalu (until mid-April 2024), Nnaemeka Chukwone (from mid-April 2024)
  • EAERE, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists: Phoebe Koundouri (Chairperson), Simone Borghesi

Partner Associations:

  • LAERE, Latin American Association of Environmental and Resource Economists: Marcelo Caffera, Laura Alejandra Hernandez Bulla


Recordings available @WCEREA YouTube channel

In the year 2024, WCEREA organises a series of policy sessions taking place within individual Associations members events that will discuss this issue, each of them with a regional focus.

Gone are the days in which climate change and carbon policies sat as distinct from those on biodiversity, once the remit only of conservationists, zoologists, and botanists. Policymakers and researchers alike, building on the recent COP and Biodiversity conferences, have turned their attention towards policy mechanisms that seek to support both the climate and nature. From healthcare to urban planning, offsets to indigenous rights, and climate change to nutrition, land use and biodiversity are increasingly recognised for their centrality to the most pressing environmental and social issues. However, despite this recognition, activities and policies such as critical raw material extraction, carbon offsets, agricultural expansion, and urbanisation are putting ecosystems and communities at risk. Integrated policy approaches, therefore, come with the responsibility to tackle head-on the complexity that underpins truly equitable and sustainable policies, in the face of tipping points in land use, global temperatures, and species extinction. The proposed session will examine how to combine the urgent need to fight climate change with the longevity and equity of biodiversity and land use policy.

AERE Summer 2024 Conference – Washington DC, USA
Organizers and facilitators:
– Eyal Frank (University of Chicago)
– Stephen Polasky (University of Minnesota)
– Richard Damania (World Bank)
– Emma Fuller (Fractal Ag)
– Kathleen Segerson (University of Connecticut)
– Juha Siikamaki (IUCN)
– Heather Tallis (University of California, Santa Cruz)

EAERE Annual Conference 2024 – Leuven, Belgium
– Simone Borghesi (EAERE President, European University Institute and University of Siena)
– Ben Groom (University of Exeter and Dragon Capital Chair in Biodiversity Economics)
– Gianni Guastella (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore & Deloitte Italy)
– Phoebe Koundouri (Athens University of Economics and Business, Denmark Technical University)
– Ruslana Rachel Palatnik (The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College and NRERC- Natural Resource and Environmental Research Center, University of Haifa)


Recordings available @WCEREA YouTube channel

In the year 2023, WCEREA organises a series of policy sessions taking place within individualAssociations members events that will discuss this issue, each of them with a regional focus.


AERE Summer 2023 Conference
Economies around the world are facing an array of shocks and uncertainties. These include rapid inflation and a mix of policies attempting to address inflation pressures; energy and food price increases with significant cost of living impacts; the potential for recession or at least highly uncertain economic growth; and continuing uncertainties around the war in Ukraine. Global climate and energy policies continue to support energy transition, particularly with the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act in the U.S. But the effects of high energy prices, rising costs of minerals necessary for electrification, and elements of global economic instability on continuing energy transition are unclear. This panel will explore the impacts of global uncertainties on energy markets, energy transition, and climate and energy policy. The panel will focus on policy in North America in the context of global markets and policies.
Moderator: Catherine Wolfram (UC Berkeley and formerly U.S. Department of Treasury)
– Andrew Leach (Professor, University of Alberta)
– Amy Jaffe (Managing Director of Climate Policy Lab and Research Professor at Fletcher School of Diplomacy, Tufts University)
– Joe DeCarolis (Administrator of U.S. Energy Information Administration)
– Sanya Carley (Oneill Professor and Associate Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, University of Indiana)

EAERE Annual Conference 2023
Economies around the world are facing an array of shocks and uncertainties. These include rapid inflation and a mix of policies attempting to address inflation pressures; energy and food price increases with significant cost of living impacts; the potential for recession or at least highly uncertain economic growth; and continuing uncertainties around the war in Ukraine. Global climate and energy policies continue to support energy transition, particularly with the implementation of the European Green Deal and Fit-for-55 package in the EU. But the effects of high energy prices, rising costs of minerals necessary for electrification, and elements of global economic instability on continuing energy transition are unclear. This panel will explore the impacts of global uncertainties on energy markets, energy transition, and climate and energy policy. The panel will focus on policy in Europe in the context of global markets and policies.
– Åsa Löfgren (University of Gothenburg, EAERE Council Member and former WCEREA Board Member)
– Thomas Sterner (University of Gothenburg)
– Anna Creti (Université Paris Dauphine)
– Aldo Ravazzi Douvan  (Italian Ministry of Environment & University of Roma Luiss)
– Ottmar Edenhofer (Technical University of Berlin, PIK & MCC)
– Matti Liski (Aalto University)

12th AAERE Congress
In the past four decades, rapid paces of economic development and urbanization in Asia has induced several major problems, such as greenhouse gas emissions, mass consumption and depletion of natural resources, as well as degradation of the environment. Stronger commitments among countries in Asia to alter this development path to a sustainable development path occurred in the last decade, particularly in the area of global climate and energy policies supporting accelerated energy transitions in the region.
Outbreak of COVID-19 and its consequence economic shocks and uncertainties—which include rapid inflation, energy, and food price increases with significant cost of living impacts, and the potential for recession or at least highly uncertain economic growth—topped up with continuing uncertainties around the war in Ukraine create huge challenges among Asian countries to pursue their commitments transitioning energy use in the region. This panel will explore the impacts of global uncertainties on energy markets, energy transition, and climate and energy policy. The panel will focus on policy debates on this issue in Asia.
– Prof. Shiqiu Zhang (Peking University)
– Prof. Soocheol Lee (Meijo University)
– Prof. Yongsung Cho (Korea University)
– Dr. Dina Azhgaliyeva (Asian Development Bank Institute)
– Moderator: Prof. Hsiao-Chi Chen (National Taipei University)