EAERE Statement of Scientific Integrity

1. The objectivity, non-partisanship and scientific rigor of the research undertaken by our members are our most important assets. Both the users of our research and its sponsors have a right to expect it to be carried out to the highest standards and to be submitted to rigorous peer review. EAERE is committed to transparency regarding its sources of funding. EAERE accepts that its sponsors and users, as well as the general public, have a legitimate right to know of any factors that might cause any risk of bias in its research. To the extent that EAERE researchers are also active in discussion about policy matters of public interest, we are committed also to promoting the highest standards of integrity in public debate. EAERE is also committed to ensuring that its scientific reputation is not used to give unwarranted authority to purely partisan assertions.

2. Consistent with these principles, the Board of EAERE declares:
a) That EAERE holds no institutional views on matters of public policy and seeks to impose no such views on its researchers, each of whom is free to draw conclusions on the basis of scientific evidence and his/her own value judgments, and to publish such conclusions when and where s/he judges appropriate. All such conclusions and opinions remain the exclusive responsibility of the researchers concerned.
b) That in accepting funding from sponsors for the purposes of research, EAERE cannot make any advance commitments as to the conclusions to be drawn from the research.
c) That in accepting funding from a sponsor, EAERE cannot undertake to promote the views of the sponsor that are not scientifically founded during public events organized by EAERE or in its communications.
d) That EAERE will publish on its website a list, to be updated at the end of each calendar year, of all sources of funding greater than 5,000 Euros in cash or in kind.
e) That EAERE, in all its activities, will foster a culture of diversity and inclusion, open scientific debate, and rigorous peer review

3. Similarly, EAERE expects from each of its members
a) That s/he will maintain the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and collegiality in the conduct of research and peer review.
b) That s/he will not allow the conduct or the conclusions of that research to be influenced by non-scholarly (e.g. commercial or political) interests, arguments or preferences, including those of any sources of institutional and/or individual funding s/he may have received.
c) That, in the interests of transparency about any possible conflict of interest, s/he will mention in research publications and other public studies the institutions funding this work.
d) That s/he will make her/his best effort to ensure that any dissemination of his/her research in non-scientific media (press, television, internet blogs, etc.) does not misrepresent or distort the scientific conclusions of that research.

(This statement was approved by the General Assembly of Members on June 28th, 2021.)