The Sustainable Future Policy Lab is a commentary site built by leading authors in environmental economics which focuses on environmental, natural resource and climate change economics and is aimed at academics, the public, policymakers and journalists. It includes articles from SFPLab members and strongly encourage submissions from external contributors. External contributions are reviewed by internal editors before publication.

All contributions are based on the latest research results and grounded in environmental economics theory and practise. The SFPLab’s aims are (1) to highlight current academic research from the SFPLab team; (2) to provide a rapid response to current events providing expertise and background information that may get overlooked by the mainstream media; and (3) to provide policy advice to governments, institutions and NGOs on different aspects of the environmental and climate debate. All articles are attributed to one of the editorial team.

The website includes four types of contributions: Analyses are research-based articles on policy-relevant issues related to sustainability and environmental issues. Opinions are research-based discussions that, in addition to analysing current policy-relevant issues, also contain the personal opinion of the researcher. The News section contains policy-relevant contributions of SFPLab members in other non-academic outlets and not contributed solely to SFPLab. Publications gives an overview of the recent academic publications of the SFPLab containing a brief yet policy-relevant summary.