EAERE European Lifetime Achievement Award in Environmental Economics

The last edition of this Award was held in year 2018. In year 2019 EAERE started a Fellows Programme. Winners of the EAERE European Lifetime Achievement Award in Environmental Economics were appointed as EAERE Fellows in year 2019.

The Award recognised those who have devoted themselves productively and persistently to communicating and enriching our endowment of knowledge in environmental economics.
Eligible candidates were  those who:

  • already retired or were about to retire (It was accepted that for most nominees, the idea of ‘retirement’ is notional);
  • were significantly involved in the profession in Europe, e.g. by working here, or contributing regularly to the EAERE annual meetings and/or Summer School;
  • made an outstanding and sustained contribution to the field, including some combination of scholarship, institutional development and communication/dissemination.

The prize was awarded in even years only if one or more awardees deserving the prize were nominated.