The Summer School in European Environmental Taxation and Policies 2.0 (EU-SUSEET) is organised in the framework of a Jean Monnet Module funded by the European Commission and has been designed to provide participants with suitable expertise on environmental taxation and policies, useful both for the construction of an academic career and for a professional one, contributing to the creation of a new generation of European environmental tax lawyers and economists. It will provide the occasion for participants from all over the world discuss with eminent professors and experts working in these fields.

Check the School’s leaflet for more details.

Keynote speakers

  • Paul Ekins, UCL
  • Thomas Sterner, University of Gothenburg
  • Theo Zachariadis, Cyprus Institute
  • Stephen White, Strategy, Better Regulation and Economic Analysis Unit, DG Environment
  • Veronica Manfredi, ‘Zero Pollution’, DG Environment

Please note that all the SUSEET 2.0 sessions will be streamed. You can access each online session by clicking the related link in the programme.