Since its creation in 2013, FAERE’s objective has been to bring together environmental economists in France and to facilitate mutually beneficial scientific exchanges, in addition to and beyond those already existing in research units or within more general or international associations. The association’s mission is to strengthen the interest of economists in these topics, while the threats and challenges to our development have become great, to stimulate reflection and discussion between French and foreign colleagues, and to promote the work done in this field. We also want to strengthen our links with our foreign colleagues, especially in Europe, by working closely with the national associations that represent them, such as the Spanish-Portuguese Association of Environmental Economics (AERNA) or the Italian Institute of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (IAERE). In this sense, we will have an active communication of the event towards these two associations for a maximum of submissions from their members, in addition to those made by the EAERE (European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists).

Organized over two days, the conference will bring together up to 170 people (for 130 presentations). In addition to the presentations of the selected papers, we will organize two sessions with invited speakers:

  • A keynote speaker : Professor Susan Chilton,
  • A round table with three invited speakers
    • Julie Subervie, Senior researcher, INRAE, CEE-M, Montpellier,
    • Julien Hardelin, Head of the Biodiversity and Resources Office, General Commission for Sustainable Development, La Défense,
    • Harold Levrel, Professor, AgroParisTech, CIRED, Nogent sur Marne.

The Scientific Committee is composed of 28 persons (12 women, 16 men), and the Local Organising Committee by 8 persons (5 women, 3 men). Please find here their CVs.

For more information please visit the conference website.