29 NOVEMBER 2021 @ 10:00 AM – 30 NOVEMBER 2021 @ 4:00 PM CET

The conference will cover the main climate-related existing policies at EU, national, international and sub-national levels. It will include three sessions on Energy Efficiency and Renewables, Environmental taxation, and Emissions trading. In addition, the conference will comprise a keynote speech from Estelle Cantillon, and a policy session focused on carbon market integration.

Due to the travel and public gathering restrictions taken to limit the spread of COVID-19, the FSR Climate Annual Conference will be held online through Zoom Webinar. Register here

ChairSimone BORGHESI, FSR Climate – European University Institute

Monday 29 November

10:00-12:00 – Session on Emissions trading

  • Regina BETZ, Zurich University of Applied Sciences – ZHAW
  • Aleksandar ZAKLAN, DIW Berlin
  • Kenneth BRUNINX, University of Leuven
  • Frans DE VRIES, University of Aberdeen Business School

14:00-16:00 – Session on Environmental taxation

  • Xavier LABANDEIRA, University of Vigo
  • Stefano CARATTINI, Georgia State University
  • Mirjam KOSCH, PIK Potsdam
  • Axel OCKENFELS, University of Cologne

Tuesday 30 November

10:00-11:00 – Keynote Speech

  • Estelle CANTILLON, Université Libre de Bruxelles and Toulouse School of Economics

11:10-12:40 – Policy Session “Deepening international cooperation on emissions trading: possible reforms for integration”

  • Stefano VERDE, FSR Climate – European University Institute
  • Michael PAHLE, PIK Potsdam
  • Susanne DRÖGE, SWP Berlin
  • Artur RUNGE-METZGER, Former Director at the European Commission

14:00-16:00 – Session on Energy Efficiency and Renewables

  • Anna CRETI, Université Paris Dauphine – PSL
  • Francesco RICCI, Université de Montpellier and CEE-M
  • Enrica DE CIAN, Ca’ Foscari Unversity of Venice and CMCC
  • Michael POLLITT, University of Cambridge