marin giovanni

Giovanni Marin has made a significant contribution to the understanding of the labour market implications of the low-carbon transition. In particular, he has opened a new and extremely policy-relevant area of research on “green skills”, and the impacts of environmental regulation on the demand for such skills, using unique and completely new sources of microdata on the topic. His contributions on this topic have been published in top environmental economics journals and are highly policy relevant in the context of the distributional and reallocation consequences of the green transition. Giovanni has also recently published several papers on green fiscal stimulus in the context of the Covid-19 crisis, which further demonstrate his commitment to producing timely and impactful research for decision making.
Beyond his work on green skills and the labour market implications of climate mitigation policies, Giovanni has also significantly contributed to a broad range of research topics in environmental economics outside climate change (including on water, waste, and natural disasters), and has analysed the impact of a large array of policy instruments (cap and trade, scrappage schemes, financing instruments, etc).
The combination of: (i) the opening of a new highly relevant research area and (ii) a broad portfolio of interests and skills spanning a wide spectrum of the environmental economics literature is truly exceptional given Giovanni’s age.
In addition, Giovanni has always played a very active role in the European research community, a feature that EAERE is keen to recognise. In particular, he has participated in multiple cross-country European grants involving various European partner institutions.

Nominating Committee: 
Anil Markandya (chair), Marita Laukkanen, Antoine Dechezlepretre