Policy Outreach Events

14th CEPR/EAERE Webinar on Climate Policy: “Cost Containment and Market Stability in Global Carbon Markets”

As carbon markets around the world evolve and mature, jurisdictions are increasingly experimenting with market stability measures such as cost containment reserves to manage carbon price volatility and help ensure that market prices are aligned with climate policy goals. This webinar brings together experts from the United States and Europe to discuss how these design features work, what policy objectives they are designed to address, and real-world.

Join us on 15 November 2023, from 4 PM (CET), 10 AM (EST), and 3 PM (GMT) for a roundtable discussion with:

Dallas Burtraw
Darius Gaskins Senior Fellow, Resources for the Future
Price Responsive Allowance Supply, Policy Sequencing, and the Pathway to Net Zero

Christian Traeger
Professor of Economics, University of Oslo, Research Director, ifo Institute & Associate Fellow, CEPR Climate Change RPN
Carbon Tax vs Trade Towards “Carbon Tax and Trade”

Christian Flachsland
Professor of Climate Policy, Hertie School
Managing allowance price risk in the new EU emissions trading architecture

The presentation will be followed by a discussion and Q&A session with the audience moderated by

Meredith Fowlie 
Professor, University Of California Berkeley, Research Associate, NBER & Associate Fellow, CEPR Climate Change RPN

Register here

Policy Outreach Events

EAERE POC Policy Session “COP15 versus COP27: lessons from international negotiations on biodiversity and climate change”

Against the backdrop of accelerating and ever more complex crises (the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the energy crisis), the 21st Century has become characterised by the need for responses that are simultaneously rapid and systemic.

From greater citizen participation to bureaucratisation, from global justice to democratic backslides, and from technology to regulation, we are navigating dynamics for which our current post-war governance institutions are not equipped.

These challenges offer Europe the opportunity to transform them into global leadership. The objective of the Vision Conferences on the Future of Europe is thus to act as a catalyst of new, alternative ideas and approaches that can build solutions to the specific challenges presented in the conference’s four problem-solving groups, composed of multidisciplinary, multi-sector, and international experts.

This edition hosts an EAERE Policy Outreach Committee (POC) plenary session titled “COP15 versus COP27: lessons from international negotiations on biodiversity and climate change. The session will discuss the interdependence of the COP15 and COP27 agreements, their respective effectiveness and implications, and their public reception.

We are pleased to have the following speakers for the session:

  • Simone Borghesi (Vice Rector for International Relations, University of Siena and Director of the Florence School of Regulation – Climate, European University Institute)
  • Valeria Constantini (Director, Department of Economics, Roma Tre University)
  • Enrico Giovannini (University Tor Vergata and former Italian Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility)
  • Phoebe Koundouri (President, European Association of Environment and Resource Economists and Professor, Athens University of Economics and Business)
  • Thomas Sterner (Professor of Environmental Economics, University of Gothenburg)
  • Peter Vis (Senior Advisor at Rud Pedersen Public Affairs and European University Institute)
  • Anastasios Xepapadeas (Professor of Economics, University of Athens and University of Bologna)

The session will take place on Friday 9th June from 10:30-11:30 am and can be viewed live HERE


Policy Outreach Events

13th CEPR/EAERE Webinar on Climate Policy: Proposal of a Global Climate Plan

Recent international surveys reveal sincere support for a global carbon price funding a global basic income. Join us on Wednesday, 7 June 2023, 05:00-06:30 PM (CEST) to hear Adrien Fabre (CNRS) presenting a Global Climate Plan acceptable to most countries building upon these results.

The presentation will be followed by a discussion and Q&A session with the audience moderated by Christian Gollier (Toulouse School of Economics, EAERE, CEPR & Climate Change RPN Leader).

Register here!

Policy Outreach Events

Comparing different carbon mitigation instruments – Policy Session at EAERE2023

Recently, interest has been growing in how different types of policy instruments across countries could be compared. Since Paris, most Parties to the Paris Agreement have committed to quantified mitigation targets in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) documents. Countries determine themselves how to meet such targets, however. They use or plan to use a widely varied set of policy instruments to lower GHG emissions which allows them to accommodate national circumstances. This complicates the comparison of mitigation strategies, and the ability to gain a clear understanding of cumulative effort across countries. Several ideas have been launched recently to better enable such comparisons including the development of comparable metrics to measure the effects of policies on emission reductions. Also, interesting policy initiatives add to this development including a recent one from the OECD. Such initiatives also help to address concerns over competitiveness losses and carbon leakage from unilateral initiatives, reinforce trust and reduce the risks of non-complianceThis session discusses some of the background issues as well as potential avenues available to move forward.

Policy Session organisers: Simone Borghesi (EAERE POC Secretary General, European University Institute and University of Siena) and Jos Delbeke (EAERE POC, European University Institute and KU Leuven)

Invited panelists include:
Prof J. Delbeke (EUI)
Prof C. Fischer (World Bank)
Prof H. Vollebergh (Tilburg University)
More information will be available soon.
Policy Outreach Events

Carbon Leakage, Border Measures and Carbon Clubs – EAERE POC Session at the State of the Union

Invited speakers (already confirmed) include:

– Carolyn Fischer, Research Manager for Sustainability and Infrastructure, Development Economics Research Group at the World Bank
– Kurt van Dender, Acting Head of the Tax Policy and Statistics Division at the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD
– Judy Meltzer, Director General, Carbon Pricing Bureau, Environment and Climate Change Canada
– Susanne Dröge, Head of Department Climate Protection and Energy, German Environment Agency
Massimo Tavoni (Director European Institute on Economics and the Environment) will give some concluding remarks.

Register for the EUI Climate Week here
More info on the event here

Policy Outreach Events

Twelfth CEPR/EAERE Webinar on Climate Policy: Carbon pricing under uncertainty

The optimal price of CO2 remains a highly debated question among economists, in particular given the deep uncertainties surrounding the costs and benefits of decarbonization. In this CEPR/EAERE webinar, we asked four experts to address the issue of how to take account of these uncertainties in the determination of the efficient CO2 prices (or “value” for cost-benefit analysis), present and future.
Join us on April 3, 2023, from 05:00-06:30 PM (CET) for a roundtable discussion with Frédéric Cherbonnier (Sciences Po Toulouse & Toulouse School of Economics) & Aude Pommeret (France Stratégie & Université Savoie Mont Blanc), Derek Lemoine (University of Arizona, NBER, Climate Change RPN Associate Fellow) and Billy Pizer (Resources for the Future & Duke University).
The roundtable and Q&A session with the audience will be moderated by Christian Gollier (Toulouse School of Economics, EAERE, CEPR & Climate Change RPN Leader).


Policy Outreach Events

Eleventh CEPR/EAERE Webinar on Climate Policy: U.S. Climate Policy in a Global Context

Join us on February 14, 2023, from 04:00-05:30 PM (CET) / 10:00-11:30 AM (EST) for the eleventh EAERE/CEPR Webinar on Climate Policy! A roundtable discussion with Joseph Aldy (Harvard University & Resources For The Future), Michael Greenstone (University of Chicago, CEPR & Climate Change RPN Member), Robert Stavins (Harvard University, Resources For The Future & Climate Change RPN Associate Fellow). The roundtable and Q&A session with the audience will be moderated by Christian Gollier (Toulouse School of Economics, EAERE, CEPR & Climate Change RPN Leader).

Register here to join online!

Policy Outreach Events

COP 27 Side event | Launching a European Climate Science Assessment Mechanism for Policy Support

EU Green Deal needs to be informed at the best available science. JPI Climate organizes the Equinox Summit in BRX to celebrate European Climate Science and launch a European scientific assessment and stocktaking process to address climate resilience, climate neutrality and societal transformation.

We recognise the urgency of actions to address the causes and consequences of climate change as manifested by the recent extreme drought during Summer 2022. Actions in response and to prevent disasters need to be informed by the best available science, whose strategic focus now includes the acceleration of the development and transfer of climate knowledge from research and innovation to policy and decision making in support of climate actions.

For this JPI Climate with the support of MAGICA project is proposing a new European structure which addresses strategic gaps, and which will significantly enhance the profile and use of the outcomes from European investments in research and systematic observations. This envisions a European scientific assessment/stocktaking process, that is focused on three key interlinked challenges i.e. achievement of
1. Climate neutrality
2. Climate resilience and
3. Management of transition and societal transformation (social & economic)

Frank Mc Govern, Chair of the JPI Climate will present the initiative and will dialogue with high level representatives of EU Member States, Academia and financing actors.


Simone Borghesi, EAERE President-Elect, Director FSR Climate, EUI and University of Siena
Marinella Davide, Ca’ Foscari University, Harvard University, CMCC and SISC
Phoebe Koundouri, EAERE President, AUEB, Co-Chair UN SDSN Europe
Terhi Lehtonen, State Secretary at Finnish Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
Markus Müller, Managing Director, Chief Investment Officer ESG & Global Head of Chief Investment Office, Deutsche Bank
Eamon Ryan, Irish Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications
Massamba Thioye, Executive, Cimate Change Innovation Hub, UNFCCC
Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, Professor of Environmental Sciences at the UCLouvain and Belgian candidate for the IPCC Chair position

Chairperson of the session: Frank McGovern – JPI Climate, Chair

The Side Event at COP27 – Launching a European Climate Science Assessment Mechanism for Policy Support will be held on November 17, 2022 16:45-18:15pm EET time (15:45-17:15pm CET time), Room: Tutankhamun (100).

The side event will be livestreamed on the official COP27 YouTube channel. For those attending on site, please kindly note that the side event will be located  in the Blue Zone where a specific UNFCCC accreditation is needed.

COP27 Youtube Channel
COP 27 Side Events Schedule
Policy Outreach Events

Tenth CEPR/EAERE Webinar: “Competition and sustainability: on proposals to relax competition policy to promote Green Deal Objectives”

Join us on 25 October 2022 from 5:00 to 6:30 pm CET to hear from Tilman Requate (University of Kiel) reviewing the relationships between imperfect markets and sustainability, Roman Inderst (University of Frankfurt and CEPR) discussing the conditions under which antitrust exemptions can improve sustainability, and Maarten Pieter Schinkel (University of Amsterdam) presenting methods and rules protecting competition to promote sustainability. Their presentations will be followed by a discussion on the effectiveness of competition policy involving sustainability issues, moderated by Marc Ivaldi (Toulouse School of Economics, EHESS and CEPR) and a Q&A session with the audience.


Policy Outreach Events

Ninth CEPR/EAERE Webinar on Climate Policy: “Climate Policy in times of war: Make the Green Deal strong again!”

The targets of the European Green Deal require a substantial reduction of oil and gas imports even before 2030. However, institutions and policy instruments which would enable the EU to implement their targets are still weak. The planned ETS for road transport and buildings will be likely implemented with a price cap; so far, the EU has not been able to coordinate the purchases of member states at the international oil and gas market; the diversification of gas and oil imports remains a high priority. The panel will discuss strategic options for EU’s climate policy and energy security.

Join us on September 13, 2022 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm (CET) for a roundtable discussion with:

Veronika Grimm (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)

Philippe Martin (Sciences Po, French Council of Economic Analysis and CEPR)

Georg Zachmann (Bruegel)

The roundtable and Q&A session with the audience will be moderated by Ottmar Edenhofer (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Mercator Research Institute on Global Common and Climate Change, and CEPR).


The Climate Policy Webinar Series (CPWS) is a webinar series featuring invited speakers in the area of climate policy. It is aimed at experts working in governments, international organisations, the private sector, academics and the media. The monthly online series started in May 2021 and is organised jointly by the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) Research and Policy Network (RPN) on Climate Change and the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE).


Carlo Carraro (Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia and CEPR)
Ottmar Edenhofer (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
Christian Gollier (Toulouse School of Economics and CEPR)