Webinar: Cooperatives and sustainable development

To date, cooperative enterprises play an important role in the Italian entrepreneurial system. In this regard, it is necessary to consider them in promoting sustainable development, especially in the context of ecological transition, due to their unique characteristics. To understand how this happens, the seminar “Cooperatives & Sustainable Development” was organized by SEEDS Economics on February 9, 2024, from 14:00 to 17:30. It will be held at the University of Ferrara, in via Ariosto 35 at the Aula Santa Lucia, and will also be available live on YouTube at this link


XI AERNA Conference

Spanish-Portuguese Association of Natural and Environmental Resources Economics (AERNA) announces its XI AERNA Conference, that will take place at Nova School of Business and Economics, Carcavelos, Portugal on 4-6 September 2024. The conference also hosts the second Mediterranean Workshop on “Climate Change and the WEF (Water-Energy-Food) Nexus: Challenges for the Long-term Stability of the Med Area”. The call for papers is now open for submissions on all relevant topics related to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. The deadline for papers submissions is 18 March 2024. Notification of submission acceptance is expected by April 30 April 2024. All the detailed information can be found here


EAERE Summer School in Resource and Environmental Economics on “Data science in environmental economics research”

EAERE, the Institute of Economics, Faculty of Economic Social Sciences, and the Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change at the University of Graz, Austria organise the 2021-2025 EAERE Summer School series in Resource and Environmental Economics for postgraduate students, locally organised by the University of Graz.

The 2024 EAERE Summer School will address the topic Data science in environmental economics research and will take place from 22 to 28 June 2024 in Castle Seggau, close to Graz, Styria, Austria.


Today, the availability of data coming from numerous different sources and formats, e.g.; remote sensing data, geospatial data, very large and/or high frequency datasets, allows to empirically analyze problems in environmental economics in an unpreceded detail. In order to process and use this data, a large set of different tools need to be applied. The 2024 EAERE Summer School will focus on the intersection of environmental economics and data science, with a particular emphasis on the increasing use of data science and novel statistical methods in environmental economics research. This includes the use of machine learning, spatial statistics and data analysis, remote sensing, the use of “alternative data” and big data applications. The goal of the summer school is to address new developments in these fields, to highlight their potential applications in environmental economics, and to foster the implementation of novel empirical methods in environmental economics research.

Faculty and respective tentative focus

  • Paul A. Raschky (Scientific Coordinator) – Professor at the Department of Economics and current Director of SoDa Labs, Monash University
  • Yanos Zylberberg – Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at the University of Bristol
  • Ed Rubin – Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics at the University of Oregon
  • Joëlle Noailly – Associate Professor at the Department of Spatial Economics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam /Senior Lecturer Geneva Graduate Institute
  • Ludovica Gazze – Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at the University of Warwick

School Organising Committee

Birgit Bednar-Friedl, Stefan Borsky, Michael Finus and  Karl W. Steininger, together with Irene Hye are the local organisers.

Local Lead Organiser in 2024: Stefan Borsky

How to apply

The Summer School is targeted to doctoral and post-doctoral students. Admission is conditional on the presentation by each student of his/her doctoral work; therefore applicants normally need to be advanced in their PhD to have produced at least one substantive chapter, but are not requested to have completely finished their thesis.

EAERE membership is not required for applications, but it is encouraged. EAERE Membership is required for accepted applicants: participation is restricted to 2024 EAERE members.

In order to apply please fill in the following mandatory documentation as a single .pdf file to: eaere-summer-school@uni-graz.at in this order:

  • Application form (for download)
  • Letter of motivation
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Letter of recommendation from supervisor
  • First draft of the paper to be presented (no restrictions regarding length). Both full papers and extended abstracts will be accepted, with preference given to full papers.

The deadline for applications is March 14th, 2024.

Participation fee

The cost of participation is EUR 440 for the selected participants.

This includes the following services:

  • Accommodation in double rooms with other summer school participants from June 22-28, 2024
  • Full board as part of the summer school program
  • Course materials
  • Participation diploma.
  • You will receive detailed information on the payment modalities in the notification of your selection.

Single rooms are available in limited number and only on request. The single room supplement is EUR 27/night, the total price for the summer school in this case is EUR 600.


A very small number of travel grants is available. This is to support those participants who do not receive sufficient funds from their home institution and are unable to raise them themselves. Please indicate on the application form whether you would like to apply for a scholarship. If yes, please describe your financial circumstances in the application documents. As there are limited funds available, we must prioritize and may request further documents from you for this purpose. All information will be treated in strict confidence.


  • Participation is restricted to 2024 EAERE members. Information on how to become a EAERE member is available on the EAERE website.
  • Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
  • Presentation of your submitted paper is conditional on acceptance to the Summer School.
  • All accepted applicants must attend the Summer School for its entire duration.
  • All accepted applicants will be required to pay a participation fee.
  • Accepted applicants who do not respect the stated deadlines will not be admitted.
  • As the School will be conducted in English, applicants should have an adequate working knowledge of that language.


March 14: End of the application period

April 04: Notification of selected participants/start of registration

May 15: Application deadline

June 07: Deadline for submission of final papers

June 12: Final program

June 22-28: Summer School

School Secretariat

For any questions, please contact the Summer School Secretariat at eaere-summer-school@uni-graz.at.

The organizers would like to thank the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences and the Field of Excellence – Climate Change Graz for their support.

Supported Events

Post-Conference Workshop: REE / JEEM Workshop on Nonmarket Valuation

Resource and Energy Economics (REE) and the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM) are delighted to announce a call for papers for the first of two REE / JEEM Workshops on Nonmarket Valuation. These workshops will be staged immediately following the Annual Conferences of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists in 2024 and 2025. Selected papers from these workshops will appear in special issues in REE (from the 2024 workshop) and JEEM (from the 2025 workshop).

The first workshop will be held on 5 July 2024 at KU Leuven. The workshop will consist of a pre-conference dinner on 4 July followed by a full day of presentations on 5 July.

Authors are invited to submit empirical and theoretical papers on any topic related to the nonmarket valuation of environmental and natural resources. Papers may cover revealed preference (e.g., hedonics, travel cost, averting behavior), stated preference (e.g., contingent valuation, choice experiments), or benefit transfer applications, along with related topics such as the application of nonmarket valuation methods to natural capital accounting. Abstracts or incomplete papers will not be considered. Submissions from any region of the world are welcome, but those from European researchers or on topics of policy relevance to Europe are particularly encouraged.

Please do not submit identical papers to both the EAERE conference and the REE/JEEM Workshop. There can be overlap (similar topics, similar datasets, even similar models), but at a minimum, the workshop paper should cover something materially different from a paper presented at the conference.

Each paper will be allocated 45 minutes at the workshop, including discussant comments and audience discussion. After the workshop, participants will be asked to submit revised papers to an REE special issue on nonmarket valuation. These papers will be subject to a rigorous but expedited review process for the special issue. Submission fees will be waived.

The Program Committee, consisting of Professors Robert Johnston of Clark University, Roger von Haefen of North Carolina State University, Sandra Rousseau of KU Leuven, and Klaus Moeltner of Virginia Tech, will select roughly eight papers for presentation based on their overall quality and potential impact on the field. Depending on the mix of submissions, the committee anticipates selecting a few themes around which to organize selected papers.

A modest honorarium ($500 US) will be offered to each presenter to partially defray travel and lodging expenses. The deadline for submissions is 15 March 2024. Authors will be notified of acceptance decisions no later than 10 April 2024.

Please submit electronic versions (preferably *.pdf) of your paper and a 2-page vita here. When submitting, authors must acknowledge that their paper is not currently under review at REE, JEEM, or elsewhere.

There will also be a limited capacity for non-presenters to attend the workshop. If you are not planning to submit a paper but would like to attend the workshop, please express your interest using this link. We will let you know in early April if our conference venue is large enough to accommodate your attendance.

Questions about the conference may be sent to jeemconference@gmail.com or directly to members of the Program Committee.

This event is organised with the support of EAERE.

Policy Outreach Events

COP28 Joint Side Event on “Innovative Instruments for Joint Biodiversity and Climate Policy”


EAERE, Bocconi University and United Cities and Local Governments are glad to announce their COP28 Joint Side Event on “Innovative Instruments for Joint Biodiversity and Climate Policy“.

The Side Event will be held on Sunday, 10 December 2023,  18:30-20:00  (GMT+4)  |  15:30-17:00 CET Time) – SE Room 4.


Climate change and biodiversity agreements are strictly interconnected. Innovative economic and financial instruments can enhance biodiversity, increase resilience and reduce CO2 emissions. The event aims to assess the potential of joint climate and biodiversity policies at different territorial scales.


Simone BORGHESI, EAERE President-Elect, Director FSR Climate, EUI and University of Siena

Edoardo CROCI, Professor of Practice and Director of Sustainable Urban Regeneration Lab, Bocconi University

Sylvie GOULARD, President of the Institute for European policy-making, Bocconi University, and Co-chair of the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits

Andreas KONTOLEON, Professor of Environmental Economics and Public Policy, University of Cambridge

Alina KOSCHMIEDER, Climate change and environmental consultant UN-Habitat

Phoebe KOUNDOURI, President – European Association of Environmental Resource Economists, Chair – World Council of Environmental Resource Economists Associations, Chair – UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Global Climate Hub, Professor – Athens University of Economics and Business, Professor – Technical University of Denmark

Eva MAYERHOFERHead of Environmental Policy and Lead Biodiversity Specialist, European Investment Bank

Massamba THIOYE, Project Executive UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub


Jos DELBEKE, EIB Climate Chair, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute

Benedetta LUCCHITTA, Research fellow Sustainable Urban Regeneration Lab, Bocconi University

Register to watch online or to confirm your presence at the venue, using the Registration Form.

For those attending on-site, please kindly note that the side event will be located in the Blue Zone where a specific UNFCCC accreditation is needed.

Policy Outreach Events

14th CEPR/EAERE Webinar on Climate Policy: “Cost Containment and Market Stability in Global Carbon Markets”

As carbon markets around the world evolve and mature, jurisdictions are increasingly experimenting with market stability measures such as cost containment reserves to manage carbon price volatility and help ensure that market prices are aligned with climate policy goals. This webinar brings together experts from the United States and Europe to discuss how these design features work, what policy objectives they are designed to address, and real-world.

Join us on 15 November 2023, from 4 PM (CET), 10 AM (EST), and 3 PM (GMT) for a roundtable discussion with:

Dallas Burtraw
Darius Gaskins Senior Fellow, Resources for the Future
Price Responsive Allowance Supply, Policy Sequencing, and the Pathway to Net Zero

Christian Traeger
Professor of Economics, University of Oslo, Research Director, ifo Institute & Associate Fellow, CEPR Climate Change RPN
Carbon Tax vs Trade Towards “Carbon Tax and Trade”

Christian Flachsland
Professor of Climate Policy, Hertie School
Managing allowance price risk in the new EU emissions trading architecture

The presentation will be followed by a discussion and Q&A session with the audience moderated by

Meredith Fowlie 
Professor, University Of California Berkeley, Research Associate, NBER & Associate Fellow, CEPR Climate Change RPN

Register here

Supported Events

Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics (SURED)

The SURED conference will focus on issues of high societal relevance at the research frontier related to economic growth, resource use and innovation in the era of climate change. We particularly invite academic work that contributes to an understanding of emerging issues (e.g., the effect of global shocks on the energy transition, the carbon border adjustment mechanism, or the costs and benefits of accelerating towards net-zero), but all submissions related to environmental economics and dynamics are welcome.

For more information visit the conference website.

Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2024

The organizing committee:

Beat Hintermann, Joëlle Noailly, Corrado Di Maria, Christa Brunnschweiler & Sjak Smulders