Best Poster Award at EAERE Annual Conference


The Best Poster Award was given to the best poster presentation at EAERE annual conferences from 2008 to 2017.

Two dimensions were taken into account with equal weight in order to select a poster for the ‘Best Poster Award at the EARE Annual Conference’:

  • Research substance: The originality and quality of the research idea is judged as well as the methodology and execution of the research and the interpretation of the results.
  • Presentation: The poster and the poster presenter are assessed for their ability to convey the research and its results to the poster audience. The poster design should effectively exploit the potential of the poster medium. The presenter’s quality of communication will also be an important consideration.

From 2012 to 2017, winners were awarded with a voucher of the value of €1,000 made available by Springer, to be shared among winners.

Achim Hagen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, “Boon or bane? Trade sanctions and the stability of international environmental agreements”
Co-author: Jan Schneider, University of Oldenburg

Zhi Li, Xiamen University, “Assurance Contracts in Threshold Public Good Provision with Incomplete Information”
Co-authors: Yonghong An, Texas A&M University, and Pengfei Liu, University of Connecticut

Robin Stitzing, Aalto University, “Welfare Effects and Environmental Impact of an Emissions Differentiated Car Sales Tax”

In 2014 the award was jointly organized with AERE. Springer and University of Chicago Press sponsored respectively the first and the second prize.

Prasenjit BANERJEE, University of Manchester,Sakib MAHMUD University of Wisconsin Superior,Jason SHOGREN, University of Wyoming, “Coasean bargaining under insecure property rights and capital investment

Benjamin GRAMIG, Purdue University,Nicole WIDMAR, Purdue University, “Estimating farmers’ willingness to change tillage practices to supply carbon emissions offsets”

Erik BROCKWELL, Umeå University, “The signaling effect of environmental and health-based taxation and legislation for public policy: an empirical analysis”;
Gregory SMITH, University of East Anglia “Can uncertain preferences explain elicitation anomalies in contingent valuation”

Emmanuelle LAVAINE, CES Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne – Paris School of Economics and Matthew Neidell, Columbia University, Morbidity and Sulfur Dioxide: Evidence from French Strickes at Oil Refineries

Katarina ÖSTEBERGCecilia HAKANSSONLinus HASSELSTROM, and Göran BOSTEDT, “Complexity Vs. Simplicity – Benefit Transfer For Environmental Improvements In Coastal Areas”

Cristobal DE LA MAZA, and Luis RIZZI, “Disentangling visibility and health effects in the valuation of improved air quality by use of stated choice analysis”

Andrea ISONI, “Price Sensitivity, ‘Bad-Deal’ Aversion, and the Wta/Wtp Disparity”

Johan STAL, and Henrik SVEDANG: “The collapse of marine capture fisheries: sequential extermination of cod (Gadus morhua) subpopulations in the Kattegat”