von dulong

Modeling and empirically assessing climate policies and asset stranding
(Humboldt-Universität Berlin)

For her dissertation “Modeling and empirically assessing climate policies and asset stranding” where she addresses the interaction between climate policies and asset stranding, a key challenge to the successful transition towards a low-carbon economy. Angelika develops cutting-edge theoretical partial equilibrium and optimization models of the carbon economy. 4 of her five papers are already published in top field journals (Energy Economics, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, and Energy Research and Social Sciences) as well as the top multidisciplinary journal Nature Communications.


Causal Inference in Spatial Environmental Economics
(London School of Economics)

For his dissertation entitled “Causal Inference in Spatial Environmental Economics”, where he combines large, often remotely sensed, datasets to address key questions in environmental economics and policy particularly with respect to climate change and nature-based solutions to climate change. Two of his papers are already published, one in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and another in the special edition of EARE on the economics and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Adaptation, beliefs, and impacts: Essays on the economics of climate
(Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

For his dissertation entitled “Adaptation, beliefs, and impacts: Essays on the economics of climate” centered around core issues for climate impacts and adaptation: how do people form beliefs and adapt to climate change, and how should we evaluate the economic impacts of climate change when there are cross-country spillovers? One of the four chapters is in revise and resubmit status with the Journal of Development Economics, and one is published already in Environmental and Resource Economics.