Supported Events

En-Gender Circular Bioeconomy Innovation in the EU – DEI Workshop 2025


The Executive Committee of the EAERE Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative (DEI) is glad to announce an hybrid workshop on the topic of “En-Gender Circular Bioeconomy Innovation in the EU” to be held at University of Ferrara (Santa Lucia Auditorium, via L. Ariosto 35, Ferrara, Italy) on April 9-10, 2025.

About the Workshop

The event is part of a series of workshops organised by the EAERE DEI Executive Committee in collaboration with the University of Ferrara in 2025 and 2026.

The European Green Deal and the green transition underscore bioenergy as a critical pathway toward achieving climate neutrality. In this context, the integration of eco-innovation and gender dimensions is essential for a just, inclusive, and sustainable transition. This workshop invites scholars, researchers, and early-career academics to explore the intersections of bioenergy, eco-innovation, and gender equity, focusing on innovative solutions to decarbonize energy systems, foster rural development, and advance the circular economy.

Through interdisciplinary discussions, the workshop seeks to identify policy recommendations and strategies to enhance the integration of bioenergy into Europe’s green economy, ensuring that the energy transition benefits all.

Call for papers

We welcome papers addressing, but not limited to, the following themes:

  • Bioenergy Innovations: Contributions to achieving the European Green Deal’s climate and sustainability targets.
  • Gender Dimensions in Bioenergy: The role of gender-sensitive policymaking and innovation in shaping equitable energy transitions.
  • Cross-Sectoral Synergies: Interactions between bioenergy, eco-innovation, and other renewable energy sectors.
  • Case Studies and Empirical Research: Demonstrating transformative potential, such as:
    • Reducing carbon emissions through bioenergy technologies
    • Building innovation ecosystems in rural and urban settings
    • Ensuring inclusive economic growth opportunities.
  • Policy Recommendations: Strategies for integrating bioenergy into Europe’s circular bioeconomy while addressing gender and socio-economic challenges.

We encourage interdisciplinary contributions that bridge technical, social, economic, and policy perspectives.

Please submit abstracts of 300-500 words including:

  1. Title, author names, affiliations, and keywords;
  2. File titled as “engendereu_yourname” (PDF only accepted);
  3. Email at

The submission deadline has been extended to Febuary 19, 2025 midnight CET.

Keynote Lectures

The Keynote lectures will be given by Professor Sevilla Almudena, LSE Department of Social Policy, and Professor Pelin Demirel, Imperial College London.


Wednesday, April 9

9:00 – 9:30  Registration
9:30 – 10:30 Keynote: Prof. Almudena Sevilla
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:45 First Paper session
12:45-13:45 Lunch break
13:45-15:00 Second paper session
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-17:00 Networking Ice Breaking
19:30 Social Dinner

Thursday, April 10

9:00-9:30 Registration
9:30-10:30 Keynote: Prof. Demirel Pelin
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:45 Third Paper session
12:45-13:45 Lunch break
13:45-15:00 Fourth Paper Session

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Extended Deadline: February 19, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: March 10, 2025
Full Paper Submission Deadline: March 30, 2025

Further information

For further information please contact:

Scientific Committee

Denitsa Angelova
Lory Barile
Ilaria Dibattista
Asia Guerreschi
Phoebe Koundouri
Massimiliano Mazzanti
Fabiola Onofrio

Supported Events

PhD Summer School on the Economics of Climate Change and Energy Transition

The EAERE Supported Event PhD Summer School on the Economics of Climate Change and Energy Transition will be held at Lancaster University Management School, in BailriggLancaster (UK), on June 4-6, 2025.

About the Summer School
The aim of the Summer School is to provide an overview of cutting-edge economics research on climate change and energy transition issues, and to offer opportunities to PhD students for interactions and discussions with experts in the field.

Keynote Lectures
The Keynote Lectures will be given by Professor Valeria Costantini (University of Roma Tre) and Professor Stefan Ambec (Toulouse School of Economics, INRAE, University of Toulouse Capitole).
Prof. Valeria Costantini will explore the challenges of transitioning to sustainable development, examining climate change’s intersection with socioeconomic factors, migration, and inequality, and evaluate policy responses ranging from international agreements to the EU’s green energy initiatives and carbon adjustment mechanisms. Prof. Stefan Ambec will introduce students to the research frontier on the design of public policies and electricity markets for the transition to a low carbon economy.

Students interested in participating in the Summer School should fill in the application form by April 1, 2025. Decisions will be announced soon after the deadline.

Further Information
For any questions or further information please email the event organizers: Aurelie Slechten or David Rietzke.

Summer School Website

Policy Outreach Events

Just transition: challenges of occupational and sectorial reallocation – Policy Session at EAERE 2024

With the European Green New Deal, the ecological transition became an ineluctable priority. It is crucial due to climate change, pollution, and resource depletion, although concerns arise about how to ensure no one is left behind. In particular, carbon-intensive regions face the need for restructuring, leading to risks of significant job losses and reduced economic activity.

To address this challenge, The European Union introduced the Just Transition Mechanism (JTM) in January 2020, with the Just Transition Fund (JTF) as its funding component. The JTM is a set of strategies that aim to mitigate the impact of the just transition on regions, industries and workers. The cornerstone of this mechanism is the Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTPs), presented by the countries or regions that will face the challenges of just transition. All Members States are required to present these plans in order to have access to the JTF, identifying the main strategies that they aspire to develop for the transition process until 2030, coherent with the objectives of the National Energy and Climate Plans.

The JTF serves as a financial instrument to assist energy-intensive and mining regions most impacted by the adverse effects of the energy transition. Its goal is also to alleviate the unequal distribution of costs, ensuring strategic support for those facing the most significant challenges in the transition. The JTF can play a crucial role in balancing the economic impacts of the transition, preventing job destruction in affected regions and ensuring reskilling for new sectors.

The need to create this mechanism stems from the fact that the transition has a direct impact on society and individuals’ lives. Historical instances of significant restructuring have demonstrated that entire regions may reverse into poverty without adequate support. If not handled properly, these consequences may result in considerable regional inequality, leading to an unfair situation for the areas whose economy relies on heavy industries. Moreover, there is still a lack of understanding about the actual functioning and impacts of and mechanisms for occupational and sectorial reallocation, and the definition of indicators to monitor these initiatives.

The criticalities of the JTF prompt us to questions that we intend to address in the session:

1. How do the JTM and JTF ensure that the transition is inclusive and socially just for workers and communities affected by the shift away from fossil fuels?
2. How does the Just Transition Mechanism address the social and economic challenges faced by regions heavily dependent on fossil fuel industries or other environmentally harmful activities? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the JTM?
3. How will green reskilling work and which sectors will be involved first?
4. Which indicators may be important to monitor the development of JTM?
5. How do TTJPs interact with existing labour market policies and initiatives at the regional or national levels?

The session organized by the EAERE POC, in collaboration with the European University Institute under the ongoing CAPABLE project, intends to discuss the challenges posed by the possible reforms described above. In line with the aim of the EAERE POC (i.e. providing advice and support to EU policymakers and institutions in designing policy interventions), particular attention will be devoted to the most suitable policies that should be implemented to make these reforms feasible and effective.

The event intends to continue the series of policy dialogues carried out by the Policy Outreach Committee since 2019 in collaboration with the European University Institute at the State of the Union in Florence and at the past EAERE Annual Conferences.


  • Xavier Labandeira, University of Vigo, ECOBAS and EAERE Policy Outreach Committee
  • Simone Borghesi, EAERE President, European University Institute and University of Siena
  • Iva Zverinova, Charles University
  • Ilaria Dibattista, Florence School of Regulation, European University Institute and University of Siena
  • Aldo Ravazzi, Italian Ministry of Environment & Energy Security and EAERE Policy Outreach Committee
  • Tadhg O’Briain, DG Energy, European Commission
Policy Outreach Events

The forthcoming 7th IPCC Assessment Report. What role is there for environmental economists? – Policy Session at EAERE 2024


The session aims at discussing modalities and strategies to stimulate more economic research to be embedded in the IPCC 7th Assessment Cycle and more in general in IPCC processes, including covering research innovation gaps.

Chair: Simone Borghesi (EAERE President, European University Institute and University of Siena)


  • Jos Delbeke (EAERE Policy Outreach Committee and European University Institute)
  • Phoebe Koundouri (Athens University of Economics and Business and Denmark Technical University)
  • Xavier Labandeira (EAERE Policy Outreach Committee and University of Vigo)
  • Jan Minx (MCC Berlin)
  • Massimo Tavoni (Politecnico di Milano and CMCC)
  • Philippe Tulkens (EU Commission – DG Research and Innovation)

The video recording is available on YouTube.

Supported Events

Deloitte Climate & Sustainability Competency Lab 2025: 1st lecture


The new series of the Deloitte Climate & Sustainability Competency Lab 2025, a free online academy that aims to bridge the gap between science and the business community realised with EAERE’s scientic support, will launch in January 2025. The first lecture will be held on January 30th, from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM CET and will be focused on “Evolving landscape of food systems policies: how shifting policies are transforming the agrifood sector” featuring Lee Ann Jackson, Head of the Agro-food Trade and Markets Division in the OECD’s Trade and Agriculture Directorate.

Register here to attend the webinar.


EAERE Summer School in Resource and Environmental Economics 2025 on The Design of Internal Environmental Agreements: Drivers and Obstacles for Success


The Institute of Economics, Faculty of Economic Social Sciences of the University of Graz, the Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change at the University of Graz, Austria, and the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) organise the 2025 EAERE Summer School in Resource and Environmental Economics for postgraduate students. The 2025 EAERE Summer School will address “The Design of Internal Environmental Agreements: Drivers and Obstacles for Success” and will take place from 7 to 13 June 2025 in Castle Seggau, close to Graz, Styria, Austria.

Concept note

Global environmental problems as for instance climate change need international cooperation between sovereign countries to address them. However, effective cooperation is not easy to achieve in this context as the seminal papers by Barrett (1994), Carraro/Siniscalco (1993) and Hoel (1992) showed. Since then, the literature on this topic has grown exponentially. The 2025 EAERE summer school aims to present an accessible but rigorous review of the last advances on the analysis of international environmental agreements. The lectures will cover the recent contributions on global climate governance in the light of mitigation, geoengineering, adaptation and transfer payments. They will also include a presentation on the role of the design of agreements on compliance and on the investment in clean and brown technologies. The theoretical lectures will be supplemented by a review of experiments to study the provision of global public goods and the literature on Integrated Assessment Models studying global governance issues with a special focus on the use of calibrated simulation models for the analysis of the drivers and obstacles for success of international environmental agreements. Thus, the school will cover a broad spectrum of different methodologies which have been employed for the analysis of international environmental agreements.

Deadline for applications: March 7, 2025

Summer School 2025 website.

Policy Outreach Events

COP29 UGIH Session – Mediterranean cooperation for innovative environment and resource governance


United Nations Climate Change Global Innovation Hub Session at UNFCCC COP29 Baku
09:00-10:00 (GMT+4)

Concept note

The Mediterranean region needs localised innovation to tackle the climate and natural resource crises and best build resilient communities. Scientific, educational, and governance cooperation can foster radical solutions that offer collective resilience and wellbeing to meet its unique environmental challenges and opportunities. In this session speakers will draw on their extensive experience with research, climate governance, and cooperation organisations to tackle the practicalities of collaborative governance for shared scarce natural resources, collective climate and development issues, and systemic intersections with geopolitics in the Mediterranean region.


  • Carmen Arguedas, Former President of AERNA and Full Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid
  • Raja Chakir, Steering Committee of FAERE and Research Director at Paris Saclay Applied Economics, INRAE-AgroParisTech
  • Shouro Dasgupta, Researcher at CMCC, Lecturer at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Visiting Senior Fellow at Grantham Research Institute (LSE)
  • Aldo Ravazzi Douvan, Chief Economist at DG Sustainable Development, EU & International Relations of the Italian Ministry of Environment


  • Simone Borghesi, President of EAERE, Director FSR Climate – EUI and Vice Rector for International Relations University of Siena

Watch the session on COP29 YouTube Channel.



Nordic Economics Workshop for Early-Career Researchers 2025


The Department of Economics, Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics (USBE) of Umeå University are glad to invite early-career researcher in Economics from Nordic universities or those working on Nordic data for a Workshop on Nordic Economics. Submit your extended abstracts, drafts, or working papers for presentations, or join the brainstorming sessions matched by research topic or method.

If you have research ideas you would like to share and seek inspiration, join the special Brainstorming session that provides a fantastic platform for communication and collaboration! Present your early-stage ideas and discuss them in an open, supportive environment, fostering new perspectives and innovative thinking.

Deadline for paper submissions: December 1, 2024

Workshop Webpage
Call for Papers

Policy Outreach Events

COP 29 Official Side Event – Design and promotion of integrated approaches for carbon neutral and resilient cities


EAERE is glad to announce its official side event at UNFCCC COP29 co-organised with SUR Lab Bocconi University and Ferrara University. The event focus on “Design and promotion of integrated approaches for carbon neutral and resilient cities” and will be held on Thursday, 21 November 2024 at 13:15-14:45 (GMT+4) – Room SIDE EVENT 5.

The event will explore and compare innovative urban approaches to driving carbon neutrality and enhancing climate resilience, showcasing a diverse range of strategies from around the world. Initiatives will be evaluated through the lenses of governance, financial viability, and measurable impact, all within the framework of an equitable and just transition. Featuring case studies from both developing and developed countries, the session will provide valuable insights into how cities of various contexts are addressing the challenges of climate adaptation and mitigation. The event aims to foster dialogue on scalable solutions, collaborative policy frameworks, and the role of cross-sector partnerships in building climate-neutral and resilient cities.

– Simone Borghesi, President of EAERE and Director FSR Climate – EUI
– Edoardo Croci, Director SUR Lab, Bocconi University
– Alina Koschmieder, Associate, UN-Habitat
– Massimiliano Mazzanti, Full professor, Ferrara University
– Joanna Mclean Masic, Program Leader for Planet, Infrastructure and Digital in EU Member States, The World bank
– Giorgia Rambelli, Director Mission Innovation Urban Transitions Mission, Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy

Benedetta Lucchitta, Research fellow SUR Lab, Bocconi University

Livestream on YouTube

COP 29 official website

Supported Events

7th Nordic Annual Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop


The 7th edition of the Nordic Annual Environmental and Resource Economics (NAERE) Workshop will be hosted by DTU Management, Department of Technology, Management and Economics, at the Technical University of Denmark. The Workshop will take place on June 25-26, 2025. Submission deadline is scheduled for April 30, 2025. Organising Committee: Julien Daubanes, Signe Krarup. Scientific Committee: Julien Daubanes, Yiding Ma, Peter Martinsson, Marcela Veronesi, Saraly Andrade de Sa. Further details will follow in due course.