Other Events

Climate Economics Chairs Annual Conference on “Transition & Sustainability: Crossed Perspectives”

The Annual Conference of the Climate Economics Chair will take place on October 10, 2024 at Paris Dauphine-PSL University and will feature renowned speakers from Columbia University, including Scott Barrett, a specialist in global challenges, and Geoffrey Heal, an expert in resource and environmental economics. In the afternoon, Emmanuelle Wargon, President of the French Energy Regulator, will lead a roundtable on the transition to a low-carbon economy, with contributions from several distinguished professionals. For details and registration click here.


Strengthening the Mediterranean cooperation of environmental and resource economists: MEDAERE at AERNA 2024 and at the 5th Siena Conference on the Europe of the Future

Environmental and resource economists working on the Mediterranean have taken a step forward in shaping up MEDAERE, the Mediterranean Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. The strong regional cooperation of EAERE economists inspired MEDAERE, which was presented at the 2024 EAERE General Assembly of Members in Leuven and promoted during two recent high-level events. At the AERNA XI Conference Roundtable “Climate Change and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Challenges for the Long-term Stability of the Med Area” chaired by Simone Borghesi, EAERE President, Haithem Bahri (INRGREF, Tunisia), Begüm Özkaynak (Bogazici University, Turkey) and Amandine Pastor (INRAE, France) exchanged views from the Northern, Southern and Eastern shores of the Mediterranean. The discussion progressed in Siena at the plenary session of the 5th Siena Conference on The Europe of the Future. Romano Prodi, former President of the EU Commission and former Prime Minister of Italy, Carmen Arguedas, Raja Chakir and Valeria Costantini, representatives of AERNA, FAERE, IAERE, respectively, Angelo Riccaboni (President of PRIMA) and Marcello Scalisi (Director of UNIMED), chaired by Simone Borghesi, defined the path for an impactful and credible Mediterranean cooperation hinging on international research projects and student exchanges.

Romani Prodi and Simone Borghesi
Haithem Bahri, Begüm Özkaynak, Simone Borghesi and Amandine Pastor
Policy Outreach Events

17th CEPR/EAERE Webinar on Climate Policy “The Economic Case for Climate Finance at Scale”

In the 17th Episode of the CEPR/EAERE Webinar Serieson Monday 28 October 2024, from 4PM (CET), 11AM (EDT), and 3PM (GMT), Patrick Bolton (Imperial College London and CEPR) and Alissa M. Kleinnijenhuis (Cornell University, Imperial College London and CEPR) will present their paper “The Economic Case for Climate Finance at Scale”. The paper lays out the first economic case for scaling up climate finance from advanced countries to support EMDE decarbonization, particularly focusing on coal, the most polluting fossil fuel. With COP29 approaching and its agenda centered on setting a New Quantified Goal of Climate Finance (aiming to increase the $100 billion-a-year climate finance pledge to over $1 trillion a year), the paper’s findings are especially relevant. It empirically shows that large-scale climate finance is not only equitable but also economically beneficial for advanced economies.

The discussants, Geoffrey Heal (Columbia University and CEPR) and Lasse Heje Pedersen (Copenhagen Business School and CEPR), will provide complementary perspectives on the paper. Heal’s recent work on Blended Finance aligns with the presented paper’s focus on system-wide blended finance, while Pedersen’s research on Green Finance vs. Carbon Taxation, as explored in his CEPR VoxTalks Climate Finance podcast, finds that financial markets alone cannot achieve the necessary SCC. Pedersen’s paper is fundamental as it shows that green finance without government intervention cannot replicate a reasonable SCC, so if financial markets are to make a difference at the magnitude required to solve the climate crisis, system-wide public-private climate finance is likely important, which brings us back to The Economic Case for Climate Finance at Scale.

Imperial College London and CEPR

Alissa M. Kleinnijenhuis
Cornell University, Imperial College London and CEPR

Lasse Heje Pedersen
Copenhagen Business School and CEPR

Geoffrey Heal
Columbia University and CEPR

The presentation will be followed by a discussion and Q&A session with the audience moderated by:
Christian Gollier
Toulouse School of Economics, EAERE, and CEPR


Click here to register.

For more information, check the invitation here.


EAERE Winter School in Resource and Environmental Economics 2025 on Biodiversity Economy

EAERE Winter School in Resource and Environmental Economics on Biodiversity Economy

According to the Dasgupta Review on the Economics of Biodiversity (Dasgupta, 2021) the economy is ’embedded’ in nature, meaning economic activity is subject to the constraints of the biosphere and sustainable economic development dependent on the biodiversity and nature. In a series of 5 lectures on the economics of biodiversity, experts in field will explore the complex connections between the economy, biodiversity and nature. How do we measure biodiversity in meaningful ways for economics analysis and natural capital accounting? What role can nature-based solutions play in addressing local (e.g. water quality) and global (e.g. climate change) externalities? What values does biodiversity provide to the economy in terms of resilience and insurance? How can we model the complexities of ecological and economics systems convincingly? Finally, what role can public policy and the financial markets play in overcoming the externalities that lead to biodiversity decline. These are just some of the questions that will be addressed over the course of the week.

For more details and to apply: Website

Other Events

Society for Eco-innovation Studies’ 2nd bi-annual Workshop “Eco-innovation for decarbonization and circularity: aligning business and policy with planetary boundaries”


The Society for Eco-innovation Studies organises its second (bi-annual) workshop on 28 and 29 of November 2024 at the HEC Paris campus in Jouy-en Josas (France).

The main topic of the conference is “Eco-innovation for decarbonization and circularity: aligning business and policy with planetary boundaries“.

This 2-days event is hosted by the S&O Climate and Earth Centre (Sustainability and Organisations Institute), with the financial support of the HEC Foundation. The event has the support of the University of Ferrara SEEDS Inter-University Research Centre (EAERE member) and the University of Alcala INNOGREEN Research Group.

The call for papers is available at this link.

For more information please visit the dedicated webpage.

Impacts, risks, adaptations

Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report

Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report The IPCC finalized the Synthesis Report for the Sixth Assessment Report during the Panel’s 58th Session held in Interlaken, Switzerland from 13-19 March 2023. This structure, substantially different to what was adopted for AR5 SYR, enables a holistic framing that integrates across the Working Groups, better enabling the SYR to cover different aspects of climate change. Read the Full Report here.

Economy & carbon markets

IMF-OECD-WB-WTO launch the Joint Subsidy Platform

Following discussions and commitments at G7, G20, UN-FCCC and UN-CBD, the heads of the IMF, OECD, World Bank and WTO have announced on 25 May 2023 the launch of a Joint Subsidy Platform (JSP) at www.subsidydata.org to enhance transparency on the use of subsidies. The JSP is intended to facilitate access to information on the nature, size, and economic impact of subsidies, with a view to facilitating dialogue on their appropriate use and design. The initiative should help research, analysis and policies on EHS (Environmentally Harmful Subsidies), including FFS (Fossil Fuel Subsidies) and BHS (Biodiversity Harmful Subsidies). More information here.

Impacts, risks, adaptations

EAERE POC event: Environment, Resources, and Cooperation in the Mediterranean | 13 Sep 2024

The EAERE POC event “Environment, Resources, and Cooperation in the Mediterranean“, co-organised by Vision – Crafting the Future and the University of Siena, will take place on September 13, 2024 at 15:30 CEST in Pontignano, Siena (Italy) and will be streamed. The event is framed within the Vision Pontignano Conference on the Future of Europe 2024. The panelists will discuss the main challenges to be addressed in the future for the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the Mediterranean area. The event will also be the opportunity to promote MEDAERE, Mediterranean Association for Cooperation on Environment and Resource Economics, that intends to complement and extend beyond the European borders the activities of EAERE.

Economy & carbon markets

White House mentions letter and papers authored by EAERE members in its document Final Guidance to Improve Regulatory Analysis

The Biden-Harris administration mentions letter and papers authored by EAERE members in its document “Final Guidance to Improve Regulatory Analysis“:

Impacts, risks, adaptations

EAERE POC Session on resilient economies and institutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change

The 14th edition of The State of the Union took place in Florence last 23 and 24 May 2024. This year, the conference had a special emphasis on the core themes of democracy and the rule of law, the digital and green transition, the future enlargements of the European Union, all of which will play a crucial role in the run-up to the European elections in June 2024.
A policy session on “Resilient economies and institutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change” was jointly organised by FSR Climate and the EAERE Policy Outreach Committee. The frequency of natural disasters due to climate change is increasing, and institutions across different geographic areas are not equally ready to cope with such events. In fact, the lack of adequate institutional responses is likely to exacerbate the consequences of these events. Making the EU and developing countries more able to cope with the devastating consequences of climate change requires an articulated policy mix around carbon price, and resilient and reactive institutions and processes. In the policy session, feasible manners to enhance resiliency to climate change were explored. The event also addressed how to better prepare agriculture, biodiversity, the health system and our economies in general to cope with climate change and how to protect the most vulnerable populations in developing countries and in Europe. More information here.