Supported Events

A quick course in numerical methods for optimal control


Pre-Conference Short course – 30th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

Date: June 16, 2025
Location: Norwegian School of Economics – NHH, Bergen (Norway)

Instructor: Professor Eric Nævdal, HVL Business School, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Course content: Numerical optimal control is by many thought to be challenging. The saddle point property of steady states raises can make it hard to calculate optimal trajectories. However, one can apply simple numerical recipes that bypass this problem and calculate quite complicated feedback trajectories. The course will cover the following topics:

  • Deterministic optimal control with infinite time horizon.
    • Standard problems with concave Hamiltonians.
    • Problems with Skiba points and multiple equilibria.
    • Open loop differential games.
  • Problems with exogenous catastrophic risk.
  • Risk of a single catastrophe.
  • An infinite sequence of catastrophic shocks.

If time permits we will also quickly cover problems with finite time horizons.

Target Audience: This short course is aimed at any researcher interested in quickly gaining a basic understanding of numerical solutions to simple optimal control problems. It is expected that most of the participants will be graduate students and recent graduates that are somewhat familiar with optimal control theory and its use in resource economics through regular course work. Such courses rarely incorporate numerical methods. As most optimal control problems can only be solved numerically this short course should be a valuable addition to the standard curriculum in resource economics.

Prerequisites: A basic understanding of deterministic optimal control and phase portraits for problems with a single state variable.

Time: The course will be given as lectures lasting a total of 4 hours starting at 9 AM and ending at 1 PM.

Registration: Please indicate your attendance by sending an e-mail to no later than May 1st.

Discover all EAERE 2025 related events here.

Supported Events

Workshop “Decarbonization and Affordable Housing: Can We Achieve Both?”


We are glad to invite you to the Workshop “Decarbonization and Affordable Housing: Can We Achieve Both?”, which will be held at the University of Zurich (Switzerland), on September 8-10, 2025. The workshop is supported by EAERE, the Swiss National Science Fund and the University of Zurich.

About the Workshop

Are sustainable buildings and affordable housing two competing goals? How are they affected by the energy transition and climate change? What policies do we need for the future?
This workshop aims to bring together researchers working on a broad range of aspects of residential housing markets in the context of energy and environmental economics, and beyond. While we are interested in general submissions related to residential housing, this time we particularly encourage the submission of proposals related to sustainability and affordability.

Keynote Lectures

The Keynote Lectures will be given by Erica Myers (University of Calgary) and Peter Christensen (UC Santa Cruz).

Call for papers

Please submit your extended abstract or full paper here by April 4, 2025. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified in due course.

The workshop has no registration fee. Participants must cover their own travel and accommodation costs.

Organising Committee

  • Sofie R Waltl, University of Cambridge
  • Harald Mayr, University of Zurich

Further Information

For any questions or further information please contact the event organiser at

Supported Events

JEEM / REE Workshop on Nonmarket Valuation


Post-Conference Workshop – 30th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

Date: June 19 (pre-Workshop dinner) and June 20 (full day of presentations)
Location: Norwegian School of Economics – NHH, Bergen (Norway)

The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM) and Resource and Energy Economics (REE) are delighted to announce a call for papers for the second of two joint Workshops on Nonmarket Valuation. Similar to the first workshop in 2024, the second workshop will be staged immediately following the Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) on 20 June 2025 at NHH – Norwegian School of Economics. The workshop will consist of a pre-conference dinner on 19 June followed by a full day of presentations.

Call for papers

Authors are invited to submit empirical and theoretical papers on any topic related to the nonmarket valuation of environmental and natural resources. This includes revealed preference (e.g., hedonics, travel cost, averting behavior), stated preference (e.g., contingent valuation, choice experiments), and benefit transfer applications. Abstracts or incomplete papers will not be considered. Submissions from any region of the world are welcome, but those from European researchers or on topics of policy relevance to Europe are strongly encouraged to apply. Authors may submit the same paper that they submit for consideration at the EAERE Conference if they agree to make the two presentations qualitatively different, perhaps by going into greater depth or emphasizing different aspects of the research in each presentation.
Each paper will be allocated approximately 45 minutes at the workshop, including discussant comments and audience discussion. After the conference, participants will submit their revised papers to a special issue at JEEM for publication, with submission fees waved. Those papers will be subjected to the same review process as regular JEEM submissions, although that process will be, to the degree possible, expedited.
The Program Committee, consisting of Professors Roger von Haefen of North Carolina State University, Robert Johnston of Clark University, Linda Nøstbakken of Statistics Norway and NHH – Norwegian School of Economics, and Klaus Moeltner of Virginia Tech, will select 8-10 papers for presentation based on their overall quality and potential impact on the field. Depending on the mix of submissions, the committee anticipates selecting a few themes around which to organize selected papers.
A modest honorarium ($500 US) will be offered to each presenter to partially defray travel and lodging expenses. The deadline for submissions is 24 March 2025. Authors will be notified of acceptance decisions no later than 11 April 2025.
Please submit electronic versions (preferably *.pdf) of your paper and a 2-page vita here. When submitting, authors must acknowledge that their paper is not currently under review at JEEM, REE, or elsewhere.
We anticipate having limited capacity for non-presenters to attend the workshop. If you are not planning to submit a paper but would like to attend the workshop, please express your interest here. We will let you know in early April if our conference venue permits us to accommodate your attendance.
Questions about the conference may be sent to or directly to members of the Program Committee.
Discover all EAERE 2025 related events here.
Supported Events

SISC2025: Innovation in climate research for societal transformation


We are glad to announce the 13th Annual Conference of the Italian Society for Climate Sciences (Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima – SISC) “SISC 2025:  Innovation in climate research for societal transformation, which will take place in Salerno (Italy) on October 22-24, 2025. SISC 2025 is supported by EAERE.

About the Conference

The Conference aims at connecting leading scientists, researchers, economists, practitioners, business leaders, and policy makers, whose activities are focused on different aspects of climate change, its impacts and related policies. The Conference is an important interdisciplinary platform for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of science and management of climate change.

Topics of interest include:

  • At the intersection of Big data, HPC and AI for Climate Science
  • Risk management, adaptation and social and economic transformations
  • Changes in means and extremes: trends and dynamic at multiple scales
  • Climate related impacts on natural and human systems across landscapes
  • Mitigation technologies for ambitious climate targets

The official language of the Conference is English.

Call for abstracts

The call for abstracts and thematic sessions on the Conference’s topic are now open! You contribution must be submitted in English, no later than March 31st, 2025. Please read the full call for abstracts for the submission guidelines and the topics description.

Scientific Committee

Important Dates

Deadline for abstract submission: 31 Mar 2025
Notification: 9 May 2025
Deadline for registration for presenting author to be included in the programme: 6 June 2025
Preliminary programme: 30 July 2025
Conference: 22-24 October 2025


26th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation – GCET26


It is with great pleasure that prof. Denise Cavalcante, representing Federal University of Ceará – UFC, prof. Paulo Caliendo, representing the Latin American Institute of Environmental Taxation – ILATA, and prof. Arthur Ferreira Neto, representing Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, announce that the 26th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation – GCET26 will take place in Porto Alegre (Brazil), from September 24-26, 2025, at UFRGS Law School. Denise Lucena Cavalcante and Arthur Ferreira Neto are GCET26 co-chairs. The GCET International Steering Committee members are Mikael Skou Andersen, Aarhus University, Hope Ashiabor, University of New South Wales, Janet E. Milne, Vermont Law School.

Other Events

11th International Conference on Mobility Challenges


On February 7, 2025 the EAERE member Climate Economics Chair (CEC) will hold the 11th edition of the International Conference on Mobility Challenges at ENS Paris-Saclay (France) to bring together experts from academia and industry, pushing the frontier of challenges at the intersection of automotive, energy, and mobility sectors. CEC welcomes internationally renowned speakers as well as participants from the three sponsoring chairs, along with specialists from a wide range of public and private sectors (economics, technical, business, finance).

Supported Events



The EAAE, the European Association of Agricultural Economists organizes a Congress, which normally follows a triennial cycle. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Association, the next Congress will take place in Bonn (Germany) on August 26-29, 2025, just two years after the previous Congress. The event will bring together between 700 and 1000 scientists, experts, stakeholders and policy makers from all over the world to discuss the most topical and pressing issues facing the agri-food sector.

In its plenary sessions, the Bonn 2025 Congress will focus on the generally acknowledged need for food system transformation to achieve global sustainability goals. There will be an emphasis in the plenary sessions on how agricultural economics can assist the agrifood system in rising to the challenges posed by conflicting and competing interests. The contributed paper and poster sessions, as well as organized symposia, will reflect the broader activities of the community.

Call for an EAERE Organised Session at EAAE Congress

On occasion of the XVIII EAAE Congrees in Bonn, EAERE members are invited to submit a paper for an EAERE Organised Session. Please send your paper to no later than February 20, 2025.

XVIII EAAE Congress Website

EAAE Membership Discount

EAERE and EAAE members can apply for a Secondary Membership with a 50% discounted fee in the other association. If you are an EAERE member in calendar year 2025 you can apply for an EAAE Secondary Membership with a 50% discounted fee.

EAAE membership

Other Events

Conference on Benefit-Cost Analysis: Distributional Issues and International Experience

Deadline for contributions: FEB 15, 2025

The Scientific Council for Cost-Benefit Analysis at France Stratégie is glad to announce the Conference on the topic “Benefit-Cost Analysis: Distributional Issues and International Experience” to be held in Paris (France) on March 25, 2025.

The Conference

Distributional issues are important in the pursuit of a just transition, as highlighted by the IPCC, as well as the Haut Conseil pour le Climat (High Council for Climate) in France. As a matter of fact, many public projects, including public investments, are motivated by a concern for disadvantaged areas or segments of the population. Inequalities in infrastructures between districts and between cities, in connectivity to relevant economic and cultural hubs, in access to public goods and facilities, in vulnerabilities to externalities, and in environmental quality very often undergird public programs related to education, health, security or environmental preservation. Imperatives of social acceptability further justify paying attention to these aspects, and repeated protests in France about environmental regulation (“bonnets rouges”, “gilets jaunes”, farmers) have made it plain to policy-makers.

Nevertheless, in France, benefit-cost analysis, while systematically applied to public investments, usually leaves distributive impacts of the projects out of the quantitative assessment. In many other countries, in contrast, guidelines for the incorporation of distributive impacts into the computation of the net value have existed for some time. In the UK, for instance, the Green Book recommends the transparent use of weights in the aggregation of monetized impacts where distributional effects are significant and well understood. In the European Union, non-binding guidelines propose to use weights that are inversely proportional to a power function of the living standards of the relevant social groups. A particularly important 2023 revision to the guidelines published by the White House in the USA (Circular A4) has introduced the possibility for agencies to also rely on weights, and there is even a specific recommendation for the value of the coefficient that should be used in such weights, based on estimates of diminishing marginal utility.

This conference initiates an effort to improve the integration of distributive effects into benefit-cost analysis in French agencies. This conference will be followed by a revision of the guidelines based on the best practices and sound theoretical and methodological bases. Its conclusions will be a key input in the process leading to the new guidelines.
The incorporation of distributive issues is generally considered difficult not only because of the need to justify the value judgments underlying weights, and the complication implied by weighting not only the benefits but also the costs of the projects, but also because the estimation of impacts for different social groups (by area, age, socio-economic status, income) may be difficult and involve assumptions about behaviors, about adjustments of taxes and transfers to the impacts on households, and about general equilibrium effects through variations in prices and wages at the local level. The conference will cover both aspects of this topic.

Call for Contributions

The Scientific Council for Cost-Benefit Analysis at France Stratégie invites proposals for contributions to its international Conference on distributional impacts and cost-benefit analysis. Submissions in the form of an extended abstract of about 400 words should be sent to before February 15, 2025. Notification of decision will be received by February 22, 2025.

Participation Costs

Participants will be requested to cover their transportation and lodging costs but there is no registration fee. Participants to the seminar, which takes place in the afternoon, are also invited to attend the morning conference.

Preliminary Programme

09:00 Welcome and introductions

09:15 Keynote : Equity in benefit-cost analysis, from principles to practice
Luc Baumstark (University of Lyon) and Marc Fleurbaey (Paris School of Economics)

10:00 Break

10:15 Round table 1: Distributive impacts in the computation of a net present value: international experience
Ben Groom (Exeter), Massimo Florio (Università degli Studi di Milano), Danaé Arroyos-Calvera (Birmingham), Doramas Jorge Calderon (European Investment Bank)(TBC)

11:30 Round table 2: Identifying relevant social groups and estimating distributive impacts
Antoine Bozio (Paris School of Economics), Maria Börjesson (Linköping University), Susana Mourato (LSE)(TBC)

12:45 Closing words

13:00 Lunch for invited participants

14:00 Seminar on the equitable future of cost-benefit analysis

17:30 End of seminar

Organising Committee

The Organising Committe members are Luc Baumstark, Frédéric Cherbonnier, Marc Fleurbaey, Pascal Gautier, Jean-Michel Josselin, Yann Kervinio, Jincheng Ni, Jean-Paul Ourliac, Aude Pommeret, Emile Quinet, Nicolas Riedinger, Katheline Schubert.

Supported Events

Deloitte Climate & Sustainability Competency Lab 2025: 2nd lecture


The EAERE Supported Deloitte Climate & Sustainability Competency Lab 2025, a free online academy that aims to bridge the gap between science and the business community realised with EAERE’s scientic support, was launched in January 2025. The second lecture will be held on February 20 at 10:30 CET by Ben Groom, Dragon Capital Chair in Biodiversity Economics at the University of Exeter and EAERE Policy Outreach Committee member. He will deliver a lecture titled “Nature positive impacts in business organisations: measuring and valuing biodiversity”. Drawing from numerous studies, including the Dasgupta Review, he will analyse the multiple ways of measuring biodiversity and its multiple economic values.

Click here to register to the webinar.