Ecosystems & biodiversity

World Water Development Report 2020 – Water and Climate Change

The 2020 edition of the World Water Development Report (WWDR 2020) links the topic of water to climate change; it informs the climate change community about the opportunities that improved water management offers in terms of adaptation and mitigation. The focus is on the challenges, opportunities and possible responses for a more resilient society.

“The scientific evidence is clear: the climate is changing and will continue to change, affecting societies mainly through water.”

The Report observes that to combine climate change adaptation and mitigation through water is a win-win proposal, as it improves water supply and sanitation services and tackles both the causes and impacts of climate change.

Source: UNESCO website

Download and read the Report here


2nd Edition of the PhD Summer School on “Economic Foundations for Energy and Climate Policies”


After the great success of the first edition, Universidad Carlos III, DIW Berlin, EUI-Florence School of Regulation, Technical University Berlin, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, University College London and Université Libre de Bruxelles are happy to announce the second edition of the PhD Summer School on “Economic Foundations for Energy and Climate Policies”.

The Summer School will be held on September 7-11, 2020 at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Downtown campus). Application deadline is 30th April 2020.


The main objective of the School is to provide Economics PhD students with high-level academic training on the micro-economic foundations of energy and climate policy instruments. The School is also aimed at supporting the development of a PhD-student network for students interested in the topic, and connect them with top academics in the field.

Instructors and topics

–          Stefan Ambec (Toulouse School of Economics): “’The Challenges of Intermittent Renewables’”

–          Estelle Cantillon (Université Libre de Bruxelles): “Design and Development of the EU ETS”

–          Xavier Labandeira (Universidade de Vigo): “A Primer on Environmental Taxes and Green Tax Reforms”

–          Juan Pablo Montero (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile): “Environmental Regulation and the Transport Sector”, and “The Design of Environmental Instruments”

Please apply through THIS LINK and send the mandatory documents to (subject: 2020 Summer School). For any questions please contact Laura García Llamas (Universidad Carlos III) at

For more information, check out the University Carlos III de Madrid‘s website regularly

Impacts, risks, adaptations

Technical Report: Modelling the global economic impacts of environmental change to support policy-making

The Earth’s ecosystems are in decline, putting their ability to provide the ecosystem services on which the world’s economies rely at risk. Unless we reverse these trends, the implications for human wellbeing are profound. Although the depth of humankind’s reliance on nature cannot be fully captured in a single economic metric, such as gross domestic product (GDP), analysing changes in GDP does provide meaningful, and alarming, insights into changes in human wellbeing. This report presents the first full set of results from the Global Futures project developed by WWF. The study analyses the loss of ecosystem services using a new model that combines a global economic model with a high-resolution ecosystem services model, generating results that are relevant for both global scale and local, landscape-level analysis.

Read the Full Report

Economy & carbon markets

Sustainable Investing: Shaping the future of finance – Report

By 2036, global assets worth USD 160 trillion are expected to be managed under some type of sustainable investing mandate. This would mean a close to 100% ESG integration in fund management. This report by the International Institute for Sustainable Development discusses potential drivers behind generating the level of demand needed from private and institutional investors to enable this exponential growth. It covers some of the major trends that will shape sustainable investing in the years to come.

Read the Full Report

Policy Outreach Events

COVID-19, global climate policy and carbon markets: expected impacts and possible solutions

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a dramatic impact on economic activities worldwide. This has both direct and indirect effects on greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. On the one hand, the fall in production and traffic volumes drastically reduces emissions, as it has already been observed after a few weeks of lockdown in a growing number of countries. On the other hand, the deep economic recession which might affect the world economy in the next years is likely to slow down the technological progress that is needed to progress along a low-carbon economic path. Moreover, the economic depression obviously has a large impact also on carbon markets: the fall in production brings about a sharp decrease in the demand of emission allowances, which causes a reduction in the allowance prices and thus also -ceteris paribus- in the incentive to invest in clean technologies.

For these reasons, it appears particularly important to identify in advance a suitable economic-climate package which may relaunch clean investments when economic activities will resume and avoid that the economic downturn may be followed by a sharp growth in emissions when the pandemic will be gone.

This raises some of the questions that we would like to address in this online debate, namely:

  1. What economic and climate policy package will be needed to deal with the economic consequences of COVID-19?
  2. How will the current emergency affect the European Green Deal?
  3. What consequences the ongoing pandemic may have on the EU ETS? What are its expected effects on the other Emission Trading Systems worldwide?
  4. What impact COVID-19 might have on international cooperation among Emission Trading Systems?
  5. What lessons can be learnt from the current pandemic for cooperation among countries in the international climate policy?

FSR Climate, in collaboration with the Policy Outreach Committee of EAERE (European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists), organises this online event to promote a more integrated dialogue between academia and policy world, providing advice and support to EU policy makers and institutions in designing policy interventions, which is particularly needed and urgent in these difficult times.

The event builds upon the successful experience of policy debates organized by FSR Climate at State of the Union since 2018 and intends to continue the policy dialogue carried out by FSR Climate under the ongoing LIFE DICET (Deepening International Cooperation on Emissions Trading) project. The project, co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union, focuses on the international carbon market cooperation between the EC and the regulators of other major Emission Trading Systems, namely, California-Quebec, China, Switzerland and New Zealand and intends to support EU and Member State policymakers in deepening international cooperation for the development and possible integration of carbon markets at the world level.


Short presentations from the invited speakers followed by questions from the audience.


Simone Borghesi, Director, FSR Climate, EUI

Jos Delbeke, School of Transnational Governance, EUI 

Invited speakers

Christian Gollier, Director of Toulouse School of Economics, President European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

Phoebe Koundouri, Professor, School of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business; President-Elect EAERE; Chair, UN SDSN Greece; Director EIT Climate KIC Hub Greece; Chair ICRE8

Eswaran Somanathan, Economics and Planning Unit of the Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi, India, and Program Director of CECFEE (Centre for research on the Economics of Climate, Food, Energy and Environment)

Harald Winkler, University of Cape Town and Academy of Science of South Africa

WATCH the video here 

Presentation slides