EAERE members can apply for an EAERE quality endorsement for events (workshops, conferences, schools, training courses) in any topic of interest to environmental and resource economists. Endorsed events will be presented as events organised “with the support of EAERE”; the EAERE logo will appear in the event documentation; EAERE will circulate the announcements of supported activities through the EAERE informative channels (e-mailing lists, monthly Highlights, Website).

EAERE is committed to enhancing diversity in scientific events. We believe that it is possible and desirable to organise events that are both high quality and inclusive. As an action towards this general objective, EAERE gives its quality endorsement only to events that guarantee a reasonable gender balance amongst speakers. In case this requirement is not met, organisers are allowed to provide an explanation for that: EAERE reserves the right to evaluate the explanations received on a case by case basis. Organisers of EAERE supported events are encouraged to promote full inclusivity in the organisation of the events.

Applications should contain:

  • A title and brief description (max. 500 words) of the event and its motivation.
  • A description of target audience and expected number of participants.
  • Any other information the submitter considers to be  as relevant (i.e. keynote speakers, Programme Committee members). 
  • Short CVs of the organizers of the event.

Applications can be submitted at any time and are to be sent to